Test Management Software

testing and QA software

Do you need test management software? If you really need it, I suggest you to use QaTraq pro. QaTraq pro encourages an integrated access to test management that will assist enhances productivity and increase visibility of your test event executing progress. Projected by testers for testers, QaTraq pro is actually the test management software that creates powerful, yet low cost, test management applied science approachable to everybody.

Features of the QaTraq Professional

  • Graphical Reporting: It is the capabilities addressing everything from describing exam reporting to passing over essay completion status. Allowing you with the visibility you should control the way your test tasks are working up.
  • Professional Reports: over thirty key test management compositions addressing five key fields admitting 1) chasing test scripts 2) chasing test results 3) prioritizing your examining iv) describing test reporting v) ascertaining test work up.
  • XML and Excel Import: Import test matters from XML or Excel arranged data file (a lot of arranges become accumulated in the following months).
  • Pdf, XML, and Excel Export: Export test matters and test solutions into an Excel tack or export a full test project in XML. Change and export full examination projects and test outcomes to Pdf for a master looking test closing story.
  • Template Test Scripts: pro management of script test functionality offering you on the power to make Test Script themes. Support you to separate your test scripts into those allay under growing, those holding off for reexamination and those available to flow.
  • Other features:
  • Template Sets, AD Integration and LDAP, Test Script reexamine Process, Advanced hypertext markup language Editing Capabilities, and so on. For complete description, please visit the anchored link above.
How to use test software