KeePass overview

KeePass PC utility

Developers offer many password managers. But it would be wrong not to pay attention to KeePass. After all, it is a free password manager whose functionality is worthy of all praise.

Passwords are a headache for many users. It is possible to make up a primitive password such as year of birth, but then there is a risk of losing data. Not everybody can remember complex passwords. That’s where password manager software comes in. KeePass stands out in this line of business. We may say that this program is one of the few, if not unique, in its segment. The developers have essentially made it free in all configurations. That is, you can find both consumer and corporate versions with open source.

After installation and the first launch of the program, the user will see the windows necessary to create databases. Each database will be displayed in a separate tab. There is also a portable version of the programme if the user wishes to store their passwords on an external storage device.

The databases are secured with a basic master password: this is a composite password of eight or more characters, comprising at least three different character sets. Additional authentication is also possible via a key file on a USB-stick or via a Windows account.

Unlike some other password managers, KeePass does not grab accounts from your browser. Therefore, all the nicknames are not automatically fetched and you have to enter each one manually.

KeePass also has a built-in password generator that creates 18-digit unique “access codes”. When you create each new account, KeePass automatically offers the generated unique password.

how to use KeePass

The password creation option is customizable, so you can “adjust” it to meet the requirements of sites that only accept passwords with certain characteristics.

KeePass also has an automatic form-filling feature, and unlike many other password managers, including commercial ones, it has some enviable functionality in this regard.

KeePass allows you to synchronize passwords across multiple devices from the same user, thanks to its cloud-based data synchronization feature. The database can also be copied to removable media if required.

KeePass is also notable for its impressive list of add-ons: More than a hundred plug-ins have already been created. These include software for backup, cloud synchronisation, password import and export and encryption. There is also an on-screen keyboard that allows you to manually enter passwords or other data, if necessary, without the fear of having them stolen by keyloggers.

KeePass is one of the most functional and most customisable password managers available. This makes it an excellent option for advanced users. If users still prefer less hassle, they can opt for another similar program, thankfully there are quite a few already created.