Game Maker Studio: Review

Game Maker Studio logo

Game development today uses a variety of software, but at the moment, Game Maker Studio deserves close attention. This is a pretty good cross-platform construction engine that is used to develop 2D games. The interface is extremely simple and understandable, but there are a lot of documents, so if difficulties arise, you can always study and understand everything. There are also video tutorials.

The peculiarity of the platform is that you can use not only 2D, but also 3D graphics. But it should be noted that the possibility of using three-dimensional technology will not please with a high-quality picture or high optimization.

If we talk about creating 2D games, then you can use your own sprites, animation and sound. If desired, they can be created inside the software. As an addition, it must be said about cross-platform, that is, the program is suitable for any platform and even game consoles.

Inside the program there is an integrated store where you can find:

  1. Sprites.
  2. Animation.
  3. Maps.
  4. Sounds.

That is, the process of creating games is greatly accelerated and often becomes easier.

For a beginner

First of all, Game Maker Studio is suitable for an ambitious person who has interesting development ideas. At the moment, any idea faces the problem of implementation, because you need to know many programming languages. But this engine allows you to create games without programming, but by writing scripts.

This is a great solution for the first test creation of game mechanics, because you need to determine whether the gameplay will be interesting for the user. And after testing, you can proceed to the creation, as well as to work with the graphic component.

The graphical environment used will be the best solution for a beginner who is visually or artistically oriented. Here you can no longer resort to using scripts, but use exclusively the program interface.

The interface will help a lot in mastering the software, and on the forum of this engine you can find everything that you may need.

Game Maker Studio Interface

For professionals

Of course, even for a professional, Game Maker Studio can be a revelation. Inside the software there is its own programming language GML, which provides many opportunities. In simple graphic editors, this is simply not the case.

Platform Benefits

  1. Ability to work or create new projects in the graphical interface.
  2. Adaptation to a variety of platforms.
  3. Flexible pricing policy.
  4. Having your own programming language.
  5. Integration with Steam and Facebook.
  6. Support for multiple sites on the network.
  7. Working with the network.
  8. The presence of a crack.
  9. A lot of useful documents for work.
  10. Full support.
  11. Tool shop.

But there are also some downsides:

  1. For some platforms, optimization is not the best.
  2. Not the highest quality implementation of a tool for developing 3D games.
  3. Lack of built-in some languages.
  4. There are a lot of restrictions when using the free version.